
Self-initiated project to explore what drives passionate people through a documentation of Munich’s, artisans and crafts-people, resulting in a written article and short video piece.

One of the few characteristics shared by all highly successful people, regardless of their profession, is an energy for their work.

As one of the world’s booming creative centers, Munich is a bustle of artisans, craftspeople, and aficionados, making it a natural place to indulge in my own passion: storytelling. And what better tales to tell than those of the people who are behind the culture of their community? With that in mind I set out on a journey to discover and write about a group of particularly creative types and entrepreneurs in Germany’s cultural capital.


Focus Design research, Typography,
Creative writing, Art direction

Team Personal project completed at frog,
Munich with support from: Ken Frederick,
Kevin Cannon, Simone Wittman,
Alex Jónsson, Ben Gracci-Krogel